I The African Child Part 2; Mogote Wa Poko

With every "Tsala Dumela" to every "Gompieno" you know for sure that you are about to be encouraged with some setswana poetry. The art of words, creativity and a passion for healing people with words has become one of the things most young people seek when they hop on to social media and good bet because we actually have those young people who are doing exactly that.

Mogote Wa Poko the well known setswana poet is here to take the world by storm with his traditional poetry that is making waves all over South Africa. Most young people would think as a poet the best language to use is English as it is a universal langauge, one of the most understood and maybe because our African languages aren't really ideal especially if one's craft is going to be their career as well.

Mogote took the country by storm as he started performing his work of art by using his home language, he moved from being a community poet to being the most recognized on social media. Tick Tok the fasted growing social media platform came about in the right time as it assisted Mogote to grow his audience. Ideally as a millenial looking at today's trends I wouldn't have thought that one day I would be scrolling on my social media platforms and I would find a setswana poet trending better yet I didn't even think it would be a career having a young person embracing and putting their culture and tradition first.

Mogote is flying the flag high. His recently collaborated with local artists to release amazing projects. His collaboration with Nonhlanhla got most Tick Tok(ers) singing along but he got couples going crazy with his song khethiwe (which means chosen) featuring Dubelesh. 

A force to be reckoned with, our roots are not lost we still have young people flying the flag high. We'll still have praise poet's in the next coming generations and we'll still have great collaborations if only we would work hand in hand with other artists irregardless of their crafts. Together we stand divided we fall.

Follow Mogote on social media @Mogote Wa Poko on the socials(facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube and tick tok)


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