Are Thirst Traps Necessary In Relationships?

We live in a time and age where most young people in relationships are comfortable in posting thirst traps, matter of fact most young people in relationships post thirst traps like it’s a norm. Have you ever heard of the term "thirst trap"? It's a slang word that refers to a provocative or seductive photo or video posted on social media, usually with the intention of attracting attention or compliments from others. Some people use thirst traps to boost their self-esteem, flirt with someone they like, or make their ex jealous. But what if you're in a relationship? Is it okay to post thirst traps when you have a partner? On every social media platform, there is about 80% of thirst trap pictures and videos that provoke the viewer and in most cases the thirst trap poster claims to merely post because they love themselves and would like to share themselves with the world. There's no definitive answer to this question, as different couples may have different bou...