Being a young christian (part 7 - purpose defined)

The problem with being a young christian and pk (pastors kid) is the fact that everyone expcets you to walk in the path your parents are in. I mean there is nothing wrong with being part of the ministry, growing God's kingdom is my favorite part I won't lie honestly I love sharing God's word and I think that's the only thing I can say I love doing the most. There is this sense of calmness ,belonging that comes with me sharing the gospel. Growing up I've always had the love for teaching, being on stage and writing. I think the teaching part I didn't really understand it but I knew if I could stand in front of an audience and speak for me that was enough. The older I grew the more I was exposed to the stage. There were times I hosted dialogues (I love talking and so I figured let me turn that into something productive and make sure that people have profound conversations, thought provoking conversations with me through dialogues that I host), mc-ed at events, facilitated at camps and events where I was called but my favorite part is when I started preaching (well the first time I preached) this was mind blowing for me I won't lie it was exciting, I just don't know if that's what God called me to do, I'm not sure if that's my purpose or not.

My biggest fear is doing something I love but it's not part of God's purpose for me. I love being on stage being in front of an audience that's my favorite thing to do I'm just not sure which part is God calling me for. I mean I could be a facilitator my entire life and I wouldn't mind, I could preach God's word and still be ok with, I could be there teaching and mentoring kids still that would work for me or I could be in stage mc-ing different events and still nail it and still be happy at the end. I could do anything and be happy with it but would God be happy (now that's something I'm always wondering and struggling with almost 90% of the time) Now with all that being said I'm still trying to discover my purpose, I know it sounds crazy because I'm almost in my mid 20's and by now i should have known what's going on with my life even better I'm a pk my "options" are limited I need to focus on the ministry and that's it but I believe our generation is the generation that's going to shake things up. I foresee our generation pastors being pastors that don't depend on the church money for survival but depending on their own hustle "career" to survive.

I'm pretty sure by the end of this year I should know what my purpose is (God's purpose to be precise) for now I'll keep doing everything and hopefully through prayer God shall redirect my ways. I know defining purpose is hard so don't be hard on yourself take time to also appreciate the small things that you achieve after all greatness is something we practice every single day (so remember that!)


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