
Showing posts from March, 2021

Relationship Anxiety; Part 2

The struggle of learning another person's love language is still a challenge when it comes to millennials. Dating a broken guy whiles I'm broken myself brings so much anxiety. I question every move I make, every word I say and everything I suggest; am I doing too much? am I doing too little? am I caring too much? (Is there such) anyway I'm just anxious being with this human being and I'm just curious if what I want is what he wants. The problem is not the relationship or the duration of the relationship but the two individuals who are anxious, doubtful and worried if they are about to reach destiny world (ideal partner) or doubt world (trial and error). My struggle isn't being in a relationship but how I act when I'm in a relationship. I tend to forget that it requires commitment, which is something we need to practice every day, we need to learn to recommit every single day no matter how tiring or frustrating our partner is. The bible says love is k...

Relationship Anxiety: Part 1

  The past few weeks I've been having conversations with close friends about relationships from what drives a relationship, what keeps two people together, makes them commit to each other and how we can define relationships in the 21st centaury (that's if we have a different kind of love). These conversations have been thought provoking so much that it got me reflecting on my own life. I got to look at what I want and what I look for in a man and I asked myself a couple of questions, have I been settling for less? am I even willing to settle for less? Well I don't know hey but what I do know is yes I have lowered my standards a couple of times and this has drained me emotionally and mentally. I moved from believing into one thing and actually allowing myself to compromise what I don't believe in just because I'm "in love". This caused me to be the one that invested more in the relationship. I would be the one doing all the calling, texting and ...

The Debt Pool; Drowning in Debt

It's a pity that some of the things we do we learn them from our parents who also learnt it from their parents, it's a generational cycle we need to break. One of the generational cycles I found myself drowning in was the one of debt!, Debt one of the biggest problems that most young people find themselves tight up in and the only way to get out is by borrowing from one lender to pay the next. This is the fastest growing problem as 1 in 3 millennials find themselves with debt before the age of 30. Before I was born my grandmother was a stay at home mom, she moved to the city to go find work when my grandfather was retrenced. She became a domestic worker and 10 years later she found herself drowning in debt, borrowing from one lender to pay the next lender. She would console herself by saying "Batho kao fela ba na le dikoloto" (everybody has debt). She passed down this mentally to my mom who passed it down to me. At 18 I was already owing a clothing store r...