Women Taking Up Space; Part 3 - Young Generation, The Lady Behind The Heel!

The epitome of women succeeding is still based on men. I mean men don’t even have to say much, society on its own has labeled us women as people who can’t make it without assistance. “behind every success man is a woman” why must I be behind you? Why must I be your tail and not your head, why must I be your follower and not your leader? We won’t deny the fact that the bible reminds us that men are the providers and we are the nurtures however we will also not look away at the fact that God created us in His imagine. When we read the bible we see how creative, artistic and multitalented God was and is. So that means we as women also have those characteristics embedded in us. Society having to learn and unlearn some of the things that oppress us is still a challenge as we “society” still have a narrow mindset about certain things. Women are constantly fighting to take up space in their respective industries and in most cases the people that look down on...