Women Taking Up Space; Part 2 - She's Boss!

From the beeping sound of our alarms to the daily notifications we get, by now you know that young people are in the gist of getting up and making something of themselves. The rush of being a career woman is the daily order.

Not only are young people doing the most in their respective industries but we also have young black females dominating in these industries. The evolving of time has caused us females to not only strive for excellence but to stand our ground. The notion of “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” has been wiped off by women who are taking up space, women like the likes of Karabo Ramabu. 
Meet Karabo Ramabu, 24-year-old self-taught makeup artist, YouTuber, business owner, female president and junior board assistant chairperson for a youth development organization. ‘I define a modern woman as someone whose bold, go getter, content and knows who they are’ said Karabo. Women taking up space and creating space for other women, to also come and take their place is what we are striving for on a daily basis. There is nothing as frustrating as going to a meeting and because you are a woman you are given the subtle look of “she can’t do it”.

It will probably take us a couple of years for us to learn and unlearn a few societal norms that are oppressing women, however in the meantime we will continue flying the flag of women taking up space. When I first met Karabo I thought to myself how does one woman walk with such confidence, how does she carry herself with such excellence even though there are so many factors weighing us down? Well I learned that you are what you attract and Karabo has vowed to attract excellence hence why everything she does, she does it with excellence. As much as we are fighting for women to be in the same position men are in we ourselves have created an unnecessary wall that make us be against each other. I’ve always said it’s so unnecessary when you hate on other woman because that doesn’t make you a better woman. One of the things Karabo hopes for is, for us women to redefine sisterhood and actually mean what we say. ‘defining sisterhood is very hard for me as I believe we no longer practice sisterhood, we are constantly competing with each other and it’s so unnecessary, I don’t know what sisterhood is but I want it’ says Karabo
Q: what has your journey taught you thus far? A: Patience! I am not a patient person and my journey has taught me to be patient. 
Q: what advice can you give another woman based on your career growth? 
A: why wait? Do you and constantly do you. Q: how important is it to have a partner that supports you? 
A: It’s very important because I have a partner that invested in me from day one, when I had to further my studies she was willingly to assist, when I had my idea of my business she also contributed. So I think having a partner that not only speaks life over you but also contributes in your journey makes the weight a bit easier to bear. 
Q: what advice would you give to your younger self? 
A: I should have been a go getter; I am a leader I should have seen that from the get go. 
Q: what advice would you give to your current self? 
A: I’m proud, I’m happy, I’m at peace and I’m content.

If you want to be treated like a queen, you need to act like one! Karabo has proven that it takes a determine young lady to make her dreams a reality nothing can stand in your way, only your mindset, so rethink what you think! 
Follow Karabo on the socials 
Instagram: Kgotsana_Rabo (personal)
 : StarCleaningServices (business)
 : FreshGlam_Rabo (business)


  1. Proud of you girl fly the wings of life flag high and grow as individual God bless you and protect you we need woman like you for our future generation

  2. Big up to you my lady.May good lord continues to give you more strength to keep striving..

  3. I heard her well when she said do you and continue doing you. Sis stay loving and beautiful leave your mark . Surly you are an inspiration to anf im sure to others too ��

  4. Welldone Karabo you are true definition of possibilities, continue you play a big role in our lives🥰🥰

  5. 🔥I was honoured to have spent a weekend in your presence and this takes it up a notch ☺️ Well-done and keep on motivating us for you're a true Queen 👑

  6. This is remarkable, it is great to know that there are women out there who still take charge, Mo'ghel keep shifting the world with your hands and the universe will continue to be kind to you.

    Inspiring article...


  7. ❤️ Talking about true inspiration I've always looked up to you. You are the boss🥂 in super proud of you .... 💌

  8. Well done love! Keep it up🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩

  9. More wins sis omdala just keep up the good work🔥❤️

  10. Yess queen proud of her... #womandla... #womenempowerment 🔥❤️🏳️‍🌈

  11. Keeping flying high.
    #happy woman's month❤��.

  12. Yesssss girl🥂💃💃

  13. So proud of you friend. 😁 Wishing you all the best in life❤

  14. I've always been proud of you and the woman you're becoming, woman of steel nguwe lo, keep up the hustle mode and may you prosper in all that you touch ��️‍��


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