Rest Easy Queen; Zibo Bantsi gone too soon

From every 'welcome to my channel' to every 'see you soon' Zibo managed to win hearts of not only Botswana residents but also of South Africans. I remember when I first got in contact with her videos, I was just going through YouTube looking for new content to watch and I came across one of her videos where she was talking about her relationship with her boyfriend (very inspiring as I was seeing flames in my own relationship). Her bubbly personality, beautiful soul and energy is what got me wanting more, I subscribed and eventually joined the Bantsi squad.

I don't know how to comfort the family, I don't know how to comfort her friends neither do I know how to comfort the Bantsi squad however all I can say is we lost more than a vlogger, we lost more than a YouTuber we lost an entire public figure an entire content creator and amazing host. It's weird how it feels like one has lost a best friend, she managed not only to educate, inspire but also make us feel like we are family. As much as her life was in the open and everything very public but even within that we didn't just feel like followers we felt like a huge group of friends that gather together to hangout with Zibo as she tells us how her day was and teaches us a few tricks for the hair and a young make-up tip.

We are saddened by her passing and wish nothing but her family and friends comfort, healing and strength in this diffult time may God be with them. You were taken way soon may your soul rest in eternal peace.

Rest Easy Queen!


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