Relationship Anxiety; Part 3

Millennials! One of the most outspoken generation ever, constantly redefining everything from what qualifies to be called a career, family customs to relationship goals.

This generation has redefined relationship goals so much that it's not only limited to matching t-shirts, couple handshakes, owning a business together but to actually being purpose partners.

Our past experiences has stirred up our anxiety so much that we enter into a relationship with one foot in and one foot out. "I'm protecting my heart" are words used by most millennials when they justify why they are half committed. The lack of understanding when it comes to relationships, the purpose of a relationship, basic necessities that keep a relationship going is why we still have failed relationships and young men and women entering into relationships thinking their in love only to find them seeking for attachment and pleasure from the other person they claim to be in love with.
Our parents and grandparents managed to withstand the challenges relationships/marriage threw at them but with millennials we are quick to reprimand, quick to compare and quick to let go. Our parents and grandparents may have some how had things easy because they didn't have all these things we have; the internet, social media, vast careers and all these other exciting things we have but they had one important thing that we as a generation have forgotten 'doing relationships God's way'. The bible reminds us countless times love is kind, love is patient and love is honest but how many times are we actually kind, patient and honest with our partners? How many times do we actually commit with all our being irregardless of the anxiety we have?
Relationship Anxiety will always be there, yes! it makes sense to be anxious from time to time whenever you start a new relationship but your anxiety should never cloud your judgement or make you dishonor your partner because you feel you see some how deserving of better or you feel you some how doing your partner a favour by being with them. Infact you should never be in a "long term" relationship with anyone you don't see a future with. The minute you feel this person is not for you let them go! Avoid emotional attachment.

Until our generation learns the basics of love; patience, kindness and honesty then we will continue having young people anxious in relationships, young people with one foot in and one foot out and young people with failed marriages and failed relationships.


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