Millennials; Are We Driven By Alcohol?

Millennials! The fastest growing generation that is always on the run either to make a name for themselves or simply to secure the bag. We are constantly meeting up, signing deals and "hooking up" however does every meeting and hangout have to be alcohol based? Do we constantly need to have alcohol to have a "great time" do we actually need to be intoxicated just to remember it as the "best time" of our lives? 

I met up with one guy, Sandile Mehlomakhulu whose 24 years of age and feels this generation is indeed alcohol based. I mean an ideal hangout or celebration for him included having a beer or two. Interesting how a mere celebration, even if it's to celebrate something big or small Sandile always felt the need to having alcohol with him.

Sandile spent an entire 5 weeks in hospital due to a broken leg that dislocated his hip and this all happened right after celebrating his academic results. Most people would think after such a distressing situation one would stop consuming "a lot" or "no" alcohol at all but that didn't stop Sandile, he kept going to events, hangouts and social meetings where alcohol was the primary thing. I don't know if this is a hereditary thing or we just blowing things out of proportion because we are slowly becoming a generation that is addicted to alcohol.

Hangouts and meetings need to be redefined, are we meeting up to get drunk or are we meeting up to actually hangout and "catch up" are we planning a hangout to actually remember the real moments and memories or are we doing it just to have those "so called"  happy moments and memories created by us being intoxicated?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a beer or two, glass of wine or even your champagne, from time to time but that shouldn't be the first thing you think of when someone asks to meet up with you, that shouldn't be the first thing you think of when thinking of a social event or social gathering. Make real memories with you sober minded, make real memories with you on the clear without you waking up the next day clueless about what happened the previous day.

Let's make alcohol a secondary thing not a primary thing. Let alcohol be something that hypes up an already hyped up situation don't make it a primary thing where you hoping it will hype things for you without you doing anything. 

Stop convincing yourself you need alcohol in order to have fun. Fun is created outside the context of alcohol.


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