Wrapping Up 2020 (Part 1; Relationships)

Shuuuu! Can we wrap up the year already? (That sounded so relieving to so many of us) I mean the year has been very exhausting and draining however we managed to survive and we are a few weeks away before we finally concluded 2020 and step into 2021.

I don't know about some of you guys but I'm honestly not ready to start the new year. I have some anxieties that just hold me back from dreaming and allow myself to be however I looked into 2020 and honestly it wasn't all bad, there were happy moments here and there.

*sighs* I take a deep breath because I know this thing has been one of the most "challenging" thing in my life but I think I finally found what the problem is. See relationships are meant to challenge us, grow us and make us look at ourselves in a different way. 

2020 wasn't kind when it came to me finding "Mr right" or wait maybe I'm too young to be even looking for him, wait am I? Ok! Let's start at the beginning...
I've been on dates, countless dates, I've tried to connect with guys. All kinds of guys, from your broke to your financially stable, employed to your unemployed, students to your 'I'm a hustler' but no luck. No stability whatsoever, I figured maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm not doing "what I'm supposed to" so I lowered my standards (hopefully this will help)
The unemployed and broke gang found me "intimidating" so we hardly did anything other than chat on WhatsApp, the employed and financially stable gang were too busy to "hangout" they however wanted to control everything (from where we eat to what I wear, too much!) Students! The 'tiring gang' with this gang I think I didn't take them seriously hence why we didn't even make it to 2 months maximum as for the "I'm a hustler" gang there was no movement whatsoever (what a waste of time).

Each gang made me realize something new whenever I interacted with them. That made me look at myself in a different way it made me work on myself more. Here's the thing most people think if your bio/portfolio has a long list then it means "you flourishing and making it" most of the time it's not the case. The employed and financially stable gang don't like inconsistent people, they don't like people who don't have a stable income (to be honest love doesn't pay the bills but money does) so work to get at least one stable income, even if you starting your own business or working for someone but have a stable income! 

The unemployed and broke gang they go with the flow, I mean they don't really have much to say. What they want to say must be backed up with some coins or else their opinions are invalid. Students and hustlers gang must focus on making it before they try and commit to someone.

I got to experience all of these, I got to be told that I need to focus on making my hustle work but in the meantime I must enjoy the "free lunches and drinks" that was your financially stable gang. I also got a chance to date your "you are too deep for me, you are too focus" that was your students and hustlers. As for the unemployed they kept hiding behind WhatsApp so I guess they felt out of place whenever I suggested lunch or a hangout to them (that's why we never met in person).

Again love doesn't pay the bills money does but that doesn't mean you should be chasing after money and forgetting the important things. Build yourself! Work on your hustle if you have to, study as much as you possibly can but never allow yourself to be treated like trash! But also remember to ask yourself these questions, if you were financially stable would you date someone whose inconsistent financially?, If you were a manager would you date a student?

It's all up to you what you make of yourself, you are what you attract! If you attracting students it's because you are a student yourself, if you attracting hustlers you are a hustler yourself. You are what you attract! So make yourself attractive.


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