Making Cents Make Sense!

We are 3 months away from the year-end and I am sure I am not the only one who is trying to make the cents make sense. Financial stability is the one thing most of us are striving for; better yet no one wakes up and wants to be stuck in debt or struggle to make their money work for them. I'm not rich, and neither do I have multiple incomes, however, I advise you to jump into getting more than one source of income, In my next article I will share how you can do that. In the meantime, let us talk about how you can make that one cheque work for you.
5 Important Tips to Follow Before I jump into these things I am pretty sure you already know these things, You probably already practicing them, or just like me at times you write them down swear to do them, and end up not doing them. The trick is not only to write them down but also to start practicing them. 1. Create a Budget! I cannot emphasize how important a budget is, having a list of the essential things that need to be bought and paid for in time is very important. This will help you meet your deadlines on time, have a good credit score, and less stress for you. 2. Share your Debt/Payments If you can pay ahead of time then go for it, pay 2 or 3 months ahead. This will help you have extra cash that can be used for other things. 3. Do Not Cheat The Budget Whatever is not on the budget should not be purchased, it is not a Need but a Want, and in most cases, Wants are just fancy things we want for that specific time that will not be beneficial in the end. 4. Do Not Create Debt On Top Of Debt Most of us struggle to make our money work for us because we make debt on top of debt. We struggle to pay off the first debt so we make poor financial decisions that lead us to borrow more to sustain ourselves. The best thing to do is always to finish off the first debt before starting another one, also create debt if it is a Need! If not then avoid it. 5. Spend Wisely It is great to buy that extra t-shirt, that chocolate bar, or even that fashion magazine but was it in your budget? 80%, of the time, it is not and the only way we can strive to make the cents make sense is by ensuring we spend wisely.
It is hard to be strict when it comes to finances but to be financially wise we ought to be hard on ourselves. We ought to stick to our financial goals and that is following the 5 tips to make it work. To have a stress-free Christmas and New Year try the 5 tips and you could save more than you could have imagined. Follow my blog for more articles, comment below on how you save money and do not forget to share with friends and family.


  1. I'm currently experiencing your fourth point. I always create debt over another debt and to be honest I'm falling behind. I can't wait for your next article. I hope by then I would have paid of my clothing account.


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