Dried up biscuit

Relationships are not easy there is always a short fall either from you or the person you engaging with. I took some time to ask myself why are the relationships I engage in failing so much, am I the problem? Or are the guys I'm dating the problem? Well the answer to this was shocking (still is if you think about it) so just like I said in the beginning we all have short falls my short fall is the lack of communication I have I mean I do communicate when I'm in a relationship it's just that the guys I date are people who communicate in detail (I suck at that) I prefer to just tell you I'm busy and that's it I don't see the need to telling you what I'm busy with and all that after all for me it's too much work (anything that's too much for me annoys me). I then figured because of my short falls how can I fix this where do I start I mean at some point I had work on this short fall (better known as weakness) so I asked the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit said to me (pay attention this is very interesting) "until you stop acting like the biscuit can survive with just your saliva (experience and knowledge) and until stop thinking you have enough saliva to sustain you and your relationship then you will be choked by the dried up biscuit(relationship)" so in my head I'm like "Huh say what now" I didn't get this until I tried eating biscuits without juice I chewed and chewed till my teeth hurt (don't try this at home unless you have a glass of water near by) in a nutshell what the Holy Spirit was telling me is that despite my weaknesses I can't expect to enter a relationship and think I'm going to manage just with my saliva (experience and knowledge) I needed some juice or coffee to help me chew this biscuit and in this case the coffee/juice is God. See when you in a relationship and you include God in it the things you can't handle he handles them for you the things you can't solve he solves them for you the things that are weighing you guys down he comes through for you guys.

So it's now up to you to decide are you going to continue chewing the biscuit(relationship) with your own saliva (experience and knowledge) or are you going to add some juice/coffee (Trinity-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).


  1. Beautiful and authentic blog. It's so important to know our shortcomings that may be affecting so many areas of our lives.
    And yes ..you can't do this alone, you need God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    Well done girl


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