Moving Chairs

Moving chairs, this has always been my favorite game because it taught me that you never stay in one place for long and also you not sure how many times you have to run around looking for a chair to sit or how long you'll be in the game. The adrenaline rush was always exciting it still is I just need to play it again.
I still haven't mastered the art of relationships I think no human being can ever master it especially if our relationship with God is one of those that function on special occasions (when life is challenging or when we are too excited for what God is doing in our lives). I've always felt like how you treat your relationship with God will determine how you'll treat relationships you have with others. When we start facing challenges I've always imagined God being the game master and us being the participants, see in this game it's all about trust, communication and discipline. When the game master says go and you start running around the chairs part of you is worried that when he says stop I might fall or get hurt but the game masters accuracy is always on point you just need to trust, communicate and be disciplined. The discipline starts with us not getting angry when we miss a chair or when we get out of the game too quick. My favorite part of the game is not the discipline no it's the accuracy from the game master and his amazing timing when he says "stop" he always says it at a perfect time where you either get a chair or stand whatever you get it's meant for you because it's the discipline and trust you put in. Now think about your relationship with God currently where are you standing are treating it like a special occasion? Are you playing to sit down just to continue being in the game or are you actually running around with your trust up there because you trust the game masters accuracy? Are you even communicating with the game master? 

Take time to connect, trust, communicate and make sure your discipline is on point.


  1. Well said, and indeed communication, trust and discipline are more accurate to take part in them. Additional of paying attention to the game master(God) on what He is saying or telling to do!


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