Being a female leader (part 4 - kingdom queens)

Behind every successful woman is a group of women who aspire to be like her, behind her is a group of women who stand by her and support her in every way possible and within her circle is one woman that inspires her to inspire others.

I'm very privileged to have met amazing 'female' leaders in my journey of being a young christian. I've met leaders that have inspired me to reach greater heights and I'm grateful (I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you guys but I do know that your presences means a lot to me so for that thank you). 

Being a female leader is hard now imagine having to lead at church. Having to lead people who are younger and older than you. Standing in front of a congregation and having to share God's word with confidence even though some people are not for you but you still do it because you honoring God. Being a female leader requires not only attentiveness but consistency and discipline not only in your respective role but also in your career and role you play at home. I took time to ask my friend Thobile to reflect on her journey of being a young female leader and it was interesting to hear what she had to say.

Q: when did you start leading?
A: I started leading in sunday school. This helped me grow spiritually, I also got a chance to center my life and help others grow spiritually.
Q: what's the hardest part of being a female leader?
A: I think every leader goes through this, when you are a leader you are required to lead always, there is no time to sit around and do nothing no! Serving is priority.
Q: what have you learnt from serving at church?
A: I've grown my skills, I helped out in different programs and projects. This also helped me grow my relationship with God and the best part is that God's grace and favor has following me around ever since.

One of the biggest things I learnt from Thobile (I learnt this from a distance just by watching her) Is her ability to always humble herself, no matter what situation she's in she always chooses humility (serving at church is hard because everyone has their own opinion on how things need to be done and serving older people is even harder now having humility is the most important thing ever). 'when you walk into a room people can already see that you are a leader and automatically they want to put you into some role where you will serve' these words are very true I've seen Thobile walk into a room and her presences, confidence and humility steals everyone's attention all the time. 

Leadership is within, executing the role you are given requires not only attentiveness but consistency and discipline being able to play the same the role at church, work and home. I don't know what kind of leader you are but I just wanted to remind you that it's not just about being alert but it's about consistency and discipline being able to put God first, being able to humble yourself especially when serving people older and younger than you who don't show you the same respect that you are showing them. Leading is about choosing to honour God always no matter what. God's favor and grace will follow you all the days of your life.

Thobile is an amazing mom, friend, sister, aunt and fiancee (I'm so excited, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle) she's also an amazing leader who does various work at church. I would like to believe she's a serving champion that chooses to honour God before anything. Feel free to follow her on the socials @missyteeoliphant 

Let's continue leading and serving. Happy women's day and may the amazing leader inside you come out and serve not only in God's kingdom but in every respective area of your life.


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