Entrepreneurial Corner (part 3 - the seed)

I'm fascinated by how much this generation is "hustling" we choose to have more than one source of income and the reason has always been chasing entrepreneurship as much as possible.

If entrepreneurship is about solving problems than I'm guessing it's safe to say through those problems we are indeed hoping to have a source of income, have some sort of profit after all we have bills to pay. Again I'm fascinated by young people who are creating and building on their business ventures, young people who choose to chase those dreams even though society is not on our side, our parents who are narrow minded, grandparents who just want us to settle for a job and be in the same cycle they were in.

Zamokuhle Masondo young entrepreneur whose driven and determined. Zamo defines entrepreneurship as making money but making money from something you are passionate about. Can you imagine waking up every single day and doing something you hate but loving the money because apparently the money is good that's like being caught in a toxic cycle you trying to cut ties with but you can't because you benefiting from it with only 20% yet 80% is draining you out.

One of the biggest things I've realized with young entrepreneurs is that they always choose to ignore their emotional state, they choose to make profit even though the very same thing is tearing them apart. I don't think anyone wants to do what they hate we all want to do what we passionate about and what we good at but I often hear young people saying 'my talents can't make me money' 'i don't know how to make profit from my talents and passion' well I think it all starts with how you align your talents and passions. If you are a good singer and cook but do not know how to make profit from that you kill two birds with one stone, how? Well you create an event where you sing for the people and have your food on sale and have people snack and nibble on something while they listen to your angelic voice. I don't think God can give you a talent and not whisper ideas on how can profit from those talents.

Zamo once said a very profound statement to me he said 'when you start realizing you are an entrepreneur you don't stop at one business you have multiple businesses, businesses that interlink with one another you may not own all of them but you surely are a recognized partner' it's about making sure that you create more than one source of income in the beginning it may seem like those businesses won't generate much but in the future they'll definitely be worth the trouble.

I believe in a sit down conversation with young entrepreneurs because as an entrepreneur myself I believe it helps sharing information with others because it brings growth to other people and their entrepreneurial journey. I asked Zamo a few questions about his journey and this is what he had to say.

Q: what advice would you give another young entrepreneur?
A: it's not easy, business is not easy. Entrepreneurship is not a sprint it's a jog. It's not always happy happy moments sometimes there are sad moments but it's about consistency and not giving up.
Q: how do you keep being consistent at what you do?
A: I choose to do what I'm passionate about, passion drives me and also believe gets me going. Also very important I associate myself with people that will drive my business to greater heights, my contacts matter I choose to associate myself with people that will take me further.

Entrepreneurship isn't just about solving a problem but also it's about creating relationships that matter. Celebrating those small milestones that you have achieved and trust the process, remember you got this!

Follow Zamokuhle on the socials to get more on his business and to learn a thing or two from him @ZamokuhleMasondo 

Entrepreneurship is the new norm get used to it.


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