Wrap it and wear it with confidence (Happy women's month)

Shuu!, (Take a deep breath I'm about to be deep) *giggles*. I haven't fully understood why they call us millennials or maybe it's because we are spontaneous we do what we want, when we want, how we want it and where we want. As much as we are millennials we also have an amazing generation that comes behind us, generation z better known as "ama2000" they are more wild, risk takers and they never care what society says about them instead they continue like nothing is wrong (this is mostly things society thinks are "bad") you can already imagine what kind of society we live in. A society that has so many things to learn and unlearn (I'm just hoping the right generation gets to path the "right way")

I'm a very calm person i do take risks but the millennial inside of me always reminds me to remember about "what people will say" yep! people's perception reigns first in millennials our dignity has always been number one but question is are we missing out on opportunities because we not hard core risk takers?. I know for sure poverty has left us especially Africans stranded the first we think of is 'whats the quickest way to get out of this'. Our parents fears, challenges and failure's have been passed down to us and we either take them and act on them or we just ignore them and do our own thing.

"Don't date a guy that drives a car date a guy that walks, you are also walking isn't it" "date a guy you find still "hustling" not a guy whose made it (these are guys who are still indecisive about their career path) "date guys your age" "date a guy who has money so that he can take care of you" the list goes on and on. The problem is not what society says but what our parents say to us. Sometimes our parents speak from fear, they speak from hurt and experience and that leaves us confused and making unnecessary mistakes.

Poverty isn't attractive, poverty isn't what we want it's actually something no one desires in their lives but until our parents stop reprimanding us from their fears, society perfection, challenges they faced we'll still be that generation that is confused at what our struggle is, what it is we want to achieve and mostly we'll continue hiding what it is that we truly want. I don't know what it is that you want, I don't know what your parents fears, challenges, society perfections and past experience is. I also don't know what it is that they keep reprimanding you for but whatever it is I always say the best place to start is by educating them, educate them on the kind of life you want to learn and make them understand why. I believe education is very important and it brings an insight on so many things. Even the younger generation they also need educating, so educate where you can and let's help society unlearn some of the fears we see as opportunities to try, help society unlearn challenges we see as opportunities to take a risk and let's help society unlearn bad past experiences we see as a learning curve.

I believe in women empowerment, I believe that an empowered female is an empowered society. I hope that this women's month we'll take time to empower other females and grow society to being a better society.


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