Entrepreneurial Corner (part 1 - the soil)

I'm still not sure if I define entrepreneurship correctly actually I don't even know if I'm an entrepreneur or not. One of the biggest things that makes me proud to being a millennial is the 'hustling' spirit we have. We never stop at nothing we go for whatever it is that we want even though it seems impossible but we define the odds all the time.

I figured let me talk to real entrepreneurs, young people who are shaking things, knocking on every door and seizing every opportunity they get and what better way to do it than to start with Tshepo Phaleso, young entrepreneur doing the most in his community, surroundings and career.

Tshepo likes to define himself as not only a go getter but a creative entrepreneur that sells anything and everything, he even sells money (I don't know what that means) his an unstoppable train that keeps moving non-stop. I asked him a few questions and this is what he had to say.

Q: how would you define entrepreneurship?
A: entrepreneurship to me is the pursuit of opportunities beyond resources controlled.
Q: what makes you an entrepreneur and when did you realize you were an entrepreneur?
A: I started realizing I'm an entrepreneur when I saw I love competition but not just competing, competing to better myself and better the lives of those around me through products and services they need. 
Q: what kind of business are you into?
A: I sell Herbalife, Avon and money itself (in the form of investment)
Q: what advice would you give to a young entrepreneur whose still finding their feet in the business world?
A: nothing is impossible even the word says it itself "I'm possible". The entrepreneurial community needs people to be informed, willing to learn and grow. We are in the golden days where everything matters, your surroundings, who you associate yourself with and what people can identify you with so choose wisely and keep chasing that dream.

I feel we are all entrepreneurs we just need to tap into that teachable side of ours and have a spirit that is willing to learn and most importantly read! Read as much as you can. Education is very important, information used correctly can do wonders for you. Never forget to tap inside that entrepreneurial you the world needs a you that will bring solutions to ease the world's problems.

You can follow Tshepo on all the social media pages and interact with him more @tshepophaleso (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Entrepreneurship is the new norm question is are you ready for it?


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