The Modern Woman; She's Boss!

             Source Malabela Photography

Huuu! *I had to take a deep breath and relax*. The modern women and her modern rules find us questioning some of the things we settle for. She makes us wonder if at times we make the correct decisions or not.

We live within the 21st century, with life evolving every single day and "new" rules created. We have witnessed women going through unimaginable things; from gender based violence (which is now labeled a visible pandemic), to learning how to adapt to submitting not only to their partners, men at their work place, male friends but men as a whole and finally women getting into marriages and still having to prove that they are "wife material". All of this has forced women to being these beasts that live to prove, defend and protect themselves.

I don't know how we got to this point but this is a pandemic on its own. Women are supposed to be for women (isn't that the right logic?) We are supposed to have each other's backs, help one another out and most importantly stand up for one another. Let's reverse this quickly the bible says a women needs to be submissive, she needs to submit to her husband and that's not a problem because women are naturally submissive however that does not mean we settle for less, that does not mean we settle for nonsense and still bow our heads and agree to what the man says no! We are created to challenge and question where we do not agree. Now men have interpreted this in a negative way by saying we are "disrespectful" are we really?

We have feminists, women who have taken it upon themselves to question everything men say women should do, question this whole submitting thing and I don't blame them because now we are forced to prove ourselves from time to time. Our own rules push us to the corner with men using them to their own advantage.

We wanted 50/50 because we said we can handle it, we wanted to do jobs that men do because we wanted to break down the whole notion of "women are weak", we also wanted to be independent because we are tired of relying on a man, we wanted to rule and be boss (after all She Can, She's Boss!) But we've missed the mark when it comes to practicing what we preach. 50/50 means we share the responsibility not when it suits you, use the delegating spirit don't do it in a way that shows the man that you actually can't lift that bag of cement (you are boss so act like it), being independent doesn't mean you should take your manners and throw them out the window no! Still respect the man but never settle for mediocrity and when you sit in that boss chair take charge always remember how hard you worked for it never be told otherwise.

Lastly ladies let's practice what we preach, let's not say one thing and act the opposite way it makes us look incompetent and yes "weak". Prove yourself where you have to but don't lose your dignity in the process, protect yourself (only you got you keep that in mind always) and also defend yourself only if necessary otherwise don't bother arguing with small minded men and women.

The modern women is here to make thought provoking decisions you better be ready for her.


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