
Showing posts from June, 2020

Being a young christian (part 6 - squad goals)

"show me your friends and I'll tell you your future", "your friends are a representation of who you are so choose wisely who you associate yourself with". I've always known that the friends I keep will either draw me closer to God or pull me away from him. Luckily enough for me when i met my best friend I met her at church and I was so astonished at how well composed she is, how well she speaks of God, how well she is put together and I wanted that for my life I wanted that for myself actually I needed that in my life and so I looked at her and I smiled endlessly. When our pastor said we should hold hands (this was way before covid) and pray I held her hand and I whispered (Father please can you make her my friend I need such stability in my life, she's the perfect match) little did I know that she was whispering the same thing, apparently my loudness, never ending energy and enthusiasm for God pulled her closely to me and she also prayed for...

Being a young Christian (part 5 - the edutainers)

'birds of the same feather flock together' (most of the time not always, I think) I also think one of the biggest factors in a life of a young christian is being able to control who influences you, who you keep close to you, who you hang out with because they can either bring you close to God or take you far away from him. I can't blame my friends for my ratchet behavior, yes they did it with me but half of the time they always reminded me of my "character" my "position" (being a young christian) at that time for me all I wanted to do was somehow prove to them that I could also be wild. One of my guy friends, Eric whom I met at a camp, him and I clicked the minute we saw each other and yes we became friends and business partners (bad idea I shouldn't have mixed business with pleasure, now I'm stuck with a numb professional relationship and a friendship that is somehow also on hold because of the professional relationship). I figured b...

Dear: Daddy Dearest (my first love)

Daddy dearest, my first love. I want you to know that from the time you left till now I've never stopped loving you. I've never stopped wondering to myself if you were ok, how you slept, what you were eating (even though I couldn't provide for you because I was too young), I've never stopped wondering to myself what kind of person you are, how do you act when you angry, how you sounded when you laughed and yes how my siblings were. I honestly didn't stop loving you I just grew angry towards you because I failed to understand how come you created me but still chose to leave me stranded. You were suppose to be my first love, you were suppose to be that guy that kisses my forehead, that guy that takes me out (treats me like a princess), that guy that invested in me way before I could invest in him. You were suppose to be there to teach me how to deal with a heart break but yet again you broke my heart way before you could teach me, you were also suppose to ...

Being a young Christian (part 4 - untangling the tangled)

If being a pk was a job position I would have lost my job already by now. Untangling tangled relationships is hard it's like untangling a tangled rope (you fix first the top when you fail you go to the bottom, when the bottom is hard you go back to the top and if the rope seems hard then you end up leaving the rope as a whole) how many relationships have you left hanging simply because you can't seem to untangle them?. Like I said in the other post Jabu was never a bad person infact he was the only guy that made sure I don't define my worth, my career, myself and everything about me through him through his eyes. I've seen so many women who belittle themselves, who compromise their careers, their self worth simply because they trying to please their partners. luckily I got to meet someone who saw greatness in me and made sure I practice that on a daily basis. Nqobile on the other hand is an amazing human being I mean our relationship started weirdly but even ...

Tear drops in silence

News bulletin from as early as 5am to 9pm is all about females that are being killed and harmed but their partners and yes you have guessed it right I'm one of the females that are scared and fearful. I walk on the streets wondering to myself if the guy walking behind me will harm me, I walk on the streets wondering to myself if I'll also be part of the statistics, I also wonder to myself if the guy I'm dating will one day turn against me and harm me. I have never thought to myself one day women will be living in fear, women would be walking around wondering to themselves if their next or not. I can't say I know how to end this whole thing or if I have the proper solution to this but what I do know is everything starts with society normalizing things that were seen as "taboo" before. The only way to have men that are protective instead of dangerous is for us "society" to make it a normal thing for men to talk, to talk about how they feel,...

Being a young christian (part 3 - untangling the tangled)

"how you do relationship with your parents will determine how you do relationships with others". I came to conclude this statement after seeing a pattern in how my parents did relationship with me and that resulted in me doing relationships with others the same way they did it with me. By now you know I'm a pk, I'm dad is a pastor that is married and has his own family, when he had me he was just going through a phase where him and this wife were struggling in their marriage so my dad cheated with my mom and they had me. Yep you guessed it right I'm a product of cheating (in the beginning this would hurt me every time I thought about it but now I laugh about it because I can't imagine an entire pastor cheating yet telling other people at church to be faithful, his position of being a pastor made me question so much about him I mean his a pastor so somehow perfection is expected from him even though half of the time he didn't practice what he pr...

Being a young christian (part 2- sneek peek)

My dad is a pastor, my dad is a pastor again my dad is a pastor (I had to say this more than once because I'm trying to let it sink in and make sense to me). So growing up I wasn't raised by my dad so I couldn't fully experience the whole "pk" ordeal as much as other kids experienced it but that didn't stop my mother from still disciplining me and making sure I do the "right" thing.  I know for sure there is a difference between being a Christian and a believer. That means I can confidently say I've been stuck between being a believer and a christian. Christian is you being able to identify which religion you belong to where as being a believer is you believing in the word, Jesus (the resurrection) and God being the only God (Alpha and Omega, beginning and end). So yes I do believe in the word, I believe in Jesus Christ to being my Lord and savior and yes I do identify as a Christian. The only problem is being a young christian and a young believ...

Being a young christian (part 1)

Wow where does one even start, I'll start from the beginning. I'm a young christian, I'm a pk( pastor's kid) and also I'm a young person whose just trying to figure themselves out. The hardest thing about being a young christian and pk is the fact that everyone expects perfection from you, I mean they forget the whole point of you being human. There are so many backlashing you get for being a young christian, you get lashed for going out to events(night events, drinking, dancing), for dating young(although they want to see you get married) and you even get lashed for missing church(being a young christian is hard). Growing up I used to feel like I was forced into this christian lifestyle because my great grandfather was a pastor, my grandfather dodged the "bullet" (he lived his own life drinking, smoking and partying "I hope I put that right") so my dad was then "trained" to be a pastor. So I'm stuck between following my grandfather...