Tear drops in silence

News bulletin from as early as 5am to 9pm is all about females that are being killed and harmed but their partners and yes you have guessed it right I'm one of the females that are scared and fearful. I walk on the streets wondering to myself if the guy walking behind me will harm me, I walk on the streets wondering to myself if I'll also be part of the statistics, I also wonder to myself if the guy I'm dating will one day turn against me and harm me. I have never thought to myself one day women will be living in fear, women would be walking around wondering to themselves if their next or not.

I can't say I know how to end this whole thing or if I have the proper solution to this but what I do know is everything starts with society normalizing things that were seen as "taboo" before. The only way to have men that are protective instead of dangerous is for us "society" to make it a normal thing for men to talk, to talk about how they feel, to take responsibility where it's due, cry and let things out rather then them bottling things in because somehow that makes them man enough. There is a lot of things to learn and unlearn some of these things were passed down to us by our parents which were passed down to them by their parents, we have a generation cycle that we need to break and until we break it we are going to have unexecusable behavior going on and us "society" accepting it and saying things like "it's something we have been doing for years, we can't change it now". We all have a role to play after all "society" is made up by both males and females so let's not only focus on one side but look on both sides and see how to handle this unexecusable behavior that's taking over our country.

I thought long and hard about how we "society" could partner up and come up with solutions to fixing this problem we have, I know Gender Based Violence is a broad subject and we can't focus on one point but look at all contributing factors as to why and how everything is linked to us having this problem. I think the first place to start in fixing this is how we are teaching our children and what we are teaching them, the more we continue teaching the boy child to be strong and emotionless the more we grow a young monster in him. Also with the girl the more we teach her to be strong and withstand pressure (abuse) is the more we grow women who will tolerate unexecusable behavior simply because it makes her woman enough. Men need to also take responsibility, yes we all have daddy issues but we wouldn't have them if men took responsibility and invested in their child's life especially the life of a boy child. Women instead of us looking down on each other and talking bad about each other, let's support each other, when another woman is being abused instead of talking about her talk to her. Sometimes all a person needs is emotional support in order for them to have courage to leave their relationship and also to be able to report the perpetrator. Family should be a place of comfort not a place where you feel out of place even though you hurting (can we get families that support us, believe us and stand with us not families that choose to look good in the community yet one of their people is hurting).

Together we can fix this, we need to start unlearning things that are not contributing well to our society and start learning the things that are growing our society.


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