Being a young christian (part 2- sneek peek)

My dad is a pastor, my dad is a pastor again my dad is a pastor (I had to say this more than once because I'm trying to let it sink in and make sense to me). So growing up I wasn't raised by my dad so I couldn't fully experience the whole "pk" ordeal as much as other kids experienced it but that didn't stop my mother from still disciplining me and making sure I do the "right" thing. 

I know for sure there is a difference between being a Christian and a believer. That means I can confidently say I've been stuck between being a believer and a christian. Christian is you being able to identify which religion you belong to where as being a believer is you believing in the word, Jesus (the resurrection) and God being the only God (Alpha and Omega, beginning and end). So yes I do believe in the word, I believe in Jesus Christ to being my Lord and savior and yes I do identify as a Christian. The only problem is being a young christian and a young believer, see I love going out, I love events (actually correction I love hosting night events not only do they pay a lot of money but there's more excitment and seeing other young people having "fun" is somehow exciting) but that is not how a believer should be living that's not how a christian should be acting, after all I'm a leader someone is looking up to me (directly and indirectly so).
My biggest struggle has always being the dating, the drinking (whether it's allowed for believer's or not), going out (events which ones to attend and which ones not to attend), the dress code (what to wear and what not wear). The struggle is real hey (it's been real since my mom herself grew up in a Christian family). My dad hates the fact that I drink alcohol for him that's wrong but for me it's not I mean i drink only a glass or two and I maintain the status of being a pk and the status of being a "good" child. I'm not perfect I know that for sure I also know that I haven't held my "position" of being a pk and leader well I know I failed my dad and his probably regretting why he wasn't in my life from the get go but hey I still had a few "good" things I did and I did uphold my dignity at some point. I also learnt that there are some events that are good and bad for me by that I mean some events I couldn't host them simply because there would strip my diginity, everything I stand for and everything my dad stands for. So somewhere somehow this journey of being a young christian has being a rollercoaster ride but an amazing one. In the next blog post we look into my dating life the good and bad, the does and the don'ts.


  1. Seems like I'm not the only one goin' through this alone
    I can relate to Ur story 😓
    We are young and we should be given a chance to enjoy life while we have this chance


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