
Showing posts from 2021

Women Taking Up Space; Part 3 - Young Generation, The Lady Behind The Heel!

The epitome of women succeeding is still based on men. I mean men don’t even have to say much, society on its own has labeled us women as people who can’t make it without assistance. “behind every success man is a woman” why must I be behind you? Why must I be your tail and not your head, why must I be your follower and not your leader?  We won’t deny the fact that the bible reminds us that men are the providers and we are the nurtures however we will also not look away at the fact that God created us in His imagine. When we read the bible we see how creative, artistic and multitalented God was and is. So that means we as women also have those characteristics embedded in us. Society having to learn and unlearn some of the things that oppress us is still a challenge as we “society” still have a narrow mindset about certain things.  Women are constantly fighting to take up space in their respective industries and in most cases the people that look down on...

Women Taking Up Space; Part 2 - She's Boss!

From the beeping sound of our alarms to the daily notifications we get, by now you know that young people are in the gist of getting up and making something of themselves. The rush of being a career woman is the daily order. Not only are young people doing the most in their respective industries but we also have young black females dominating in these industries. The evolving of time has caused us females to not only strive for excellence but to stand our ground. The notion of “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” has been wiped off by women who are taking up space, women like the likes of Karabo Ramabu.  Meet Karabo Ramabu, 24-year-old self-taught makeup artist, YouTuber, business owner, female president and junior board assistant chairperson for a youth development organization. ‘I define a modern woman as someone whose bold, go getter, content and knows who they are’ said Karabo. Women taking up space and creating space for other women, to also come and tak...

Women Taking Up Space; Part 1 - Corporate Queen

  What a time to be alive, from being under house arrest “lockdown” to living in the midst of a pandemic. The country has taken an unusual turn. However, that hasn’t stopped women from chasing their dreams and achieving their goals. We constantly define a woman as a strong person, someone who is fearless, a go-getter, ambitious and driven. Well met Lindokuhle Yolanda Dube the CEO of a company called Msebenzi Wethu Services that deals and focus on laundry, gardening and your daily services that you may require as a person. Naturally being a female in South Africa is tough, we are constantly fighting battles that we ourselves didn’t even ask for, we faced with battles that are beyond us, battles that force us to be strong even in the midst of a deadly pandemic; Covid- 19. It takes a grounded, steady and focus woman to take up space, even in a society that is male dominated. Words like “a woman’s place is in the kitchen” “your duty is to raise the kids an...

Diary Entry; A Giant Has Fallen!

Wow! I honestly wasn't ready for this, not that anyone is ever ready for death but I wasn't ready for yours. Here I am sitting at your desk typing this diary entry and I guess I feel close to you only difference is, part of me still thinks you are going to pop in and shout " morning Katso, let’s get the day started" I feel like you are pranking me and I told you to never prank me with stuff that my-heart wouldn't be able to digest because like wow. We have lost a giant, we have lost a leader, we have lost someone that always allowed me to express myself and weird enough this is our work place and most of the time expressing our feelings isn't really a thing however here I am. this was honestly too soon from every "wussup welcome back to our channel with myself Katso and Jozi" to every "see you guys in the next video" I guess there won't be next a video, as much as I want to continue with the channel I just don't know if...

Relationship Anxiety; Part 4

"let's take things slow" he said. With a puzzled look on my my face I continued sipping on my wine. This is crazy because I am talking about a guy that just wined and dined me. From sending an uber to fetch me to buying me flowers and picking my favorite wine, I still didn't know what "let's take things slow" means or even look like. The battle of defining love changes every single day as we continue doing the trial and error method. My biggest fear isn't me investing in another person but me investing in a person that doesn't have clear intentions. A person that can't define what it is that they want or stand for. Everyone has a God given yearning for complete and unconditional love. Being present in a relationship or an encounter with another person requires you to know who you are and what your intentions are. The minute you start second guessing your intentions that's where you start being absent in that relationship or en...

Becoming with Abigail Radebe; Diary Entry

God has been good to me! I think that's the best way to explain the past season. It's been a rollercoaster ride, half of the time I wasn't sure of what I'm doing and the other half I was just going with the flow. The past 7 months sum up an entire season that has somehow come to an end (it's ending because it's time for a new season) in this season I've learned so much, I've grown so much and I've experienced so much. One of the toughest seasons I didn't even realize I was learning because I was busy trying to achieve things I set out to achieve. Every year on my birthday I do my birthday campaign then I come back and spend time with myself to somehow come up with a theme for the year tha t  I'm going to follow (align myself with) and this year I came up with 'gracefully gracing' I felt like everything I do this year needs to be done gracefully so with God gracing me with his grace. 2 months into the year I'm splashed ...

Relationship Anxiety; Part 3

Millennials! One of the most outspoken generation ever, constantly redefining everything from what qualifies to be called a career, family customs to relationship goals. This generation has redefined relationship goals so much that it's not only limited to matching t-shirts, couple handshakes, owning a business together but to actually being purpose partners. Our past experiences has stirred up our anxiety so much that we enter into a relationship with one foot in and one foot out. "I'm protecting my heart" are words used by most millennials when they justify why they are half committed. The lack of understanding when it comes to relationships, the purpose of a relationship, basic necessities that keep a relationship going is why we still have failed relationships and young men and women entering into relationships thinking their in love only to find them seeking for attachment and pleasure from the other person they claim to be in love with. O...

Relationship Anxiety; Part 2

The struggle of learning another person's love language is still a challenge when it comes to millennials. Dating a broken guy whiles I'm broken myself brings so much anxiety. I question every move I make, every word I say and everything I suggest; am I doing too much? am I doing too little? am I caring too much? (Is there such) anyway I'm just anxious being with this human being and I'm just curious if what I want is what he wants. The problem is not the relationship or the duration of the relationship but the two individuals who are anxious, doubtful and worried if they are about to reach destiny world (ideal partner) or doubt world (trial and error). My struggle isn't being in a relationship but how I act when I'm in a relationship. I tend to forget that it requires commitment, which is something we need to practice every day, we need to learn to recommit every single day no matter how tiring or frustrating our partner is. The bible says love is k...

Relationship Anxiety: Part 1

  The past few weeks I've been having conversations with close friends about relationships from what drives a relationship, what keeps two people together, makes them commit to each other and how we can define relationships in the 21st centaury (that's if we have a different kind of love). These conversations have been thought provoking so much that it got me reflecting on my own life. I got to look at what I want and what I look for in a man and I asked myself a couple of questions, have I been settling for less? am I even willing to settle for less? Well I don't know hey but what I do know is yes I have lowered my standards a couple of times and this has drained me emotionally and mentally. I moved from believing into one thing and actually allowing myself to compromise what I don't believe in just because I'm "in love". This caused me to be the one that invested more in the relationship. I would be the one doing all the calling, texting and ...

The Debt Pool; Drowning in Debt

It's a pity that some of the things we do we learn them from our parents who also learnt it from their parents, it's a generational cycle we need to break. One of the generational cycles I found myself drowning in was the one of debt!, Debt one of the biggest problems that most young people find themselves tight up in and the only way to get out is by borrowing from one lender to pay the next. This is the fastest growing problem as 1 in 3 millennials find themselves with debt before the age of 30. Before I was born my grandmother was a stay at home mom, she moved to the city to go find work when my grandfather was retrenced. She became a domestic worker and 10 years later she found herself drowning in debt, borrowing from one lender to pay the next lender. She would console herself by saying "Batho kao fela ba na le dikoloto" (everybody has debt). She passed down this mentally to my mom who passed it down to me. At 18 I was already owing a clothing store r...

I The African Child Part 2; Mogote Wa Poko

With every "Tsala Dumela" to every "Gompieno" you know for sure that you are about to be encouraged with some setswana poetry. The art of words, creativity and a passion for healing people with words has become one of the things most young people seek when they hop on to social media and good bet because we actually have those young people who are doing exactly that. Mogote Wa Poko the well known setswana poet is here to take the world by storm with his traditional poetry that is making waves all over South Africa. Most young people would think as a poet the best language to use is English as it is a universal langauge, one of the most understood and maybe because our African languages aren't really ideal especially if one's craft is going to be their career as well. Mogote took the country by storm as he started performing his work of art by using his home language, he moved from being a community poet to being the most recognized...

'you are african you can't be anxious or depressed' ; The Mental Health Wave

Still today, I still find myself explaining to friends, family and even colleagues about why I'm having an emotional breakdown because to them it's still taboo for a black child to be going through such. Words like 'why are you having an emotional breakdown, those are white people illnesses', 'why are you still holding on to that you need to get over it and move on', 'you probably just acting up' are words I get from family and friend's who think me having anxiety is just me acting up or seeking attention. A few months ago I lost my cousin who was like a best friend to me. I didn't know how to mourn him especially because I couldn't even go to his funeral so as a writer I resorted to writing. This helped for a couple of weeks because I felt I wasn't doing justice in honouring his memory. The plan was to ease the pain and be at a point where when I think about him I smile, I laugh and maybe giggle just a little bit. For those w...

Becoming with Abigail Radebe (Part 1; Being Me!)

What a year! I'm still trying to recover from it, I'm also still trying to get used to the "new normal". The initial plan was to conquer the year with all my plans, ideas and "new year's resolutions" however that didn't happen because of the pandemic. Many people have always asked, how do you do it? How do you maintain such a positive attitude and keep your head up even when things don't look so promising? How do you maintain your social life alongside your career life? Relationship wise?, how do you keep that maintained? Wow! well all these questions bounce back to the kind of person I am. I love order, I love being in control (I'm not saying I'm God neither am I saying I want to do God's work in my life No!) I just like knowing what's happening in my life, I want to know how to solve things that need to be solved, I want to also have some sort of schedule that tells me where I'm headed in the next season of my li...