Being a young christian (part 8 - purpose redefined)
("Take a deep breath what you are about to say is very important, if you shake you'll mumble and you'll lose your audience" i say that to myself all the time when I hold the mic). Honestly speaking just like I said I love being on stage I honestly think I always have something to say that people need to hear, it's just a pity that half of the time I don't believe in myself and that results in me not sharing what I think was thought provoking.
I don't blame anyone for my insecurities, I don't even blame my dad I just think personally I want to be so many things that it slips my mind that I can't dominate in all the things I do. Sometimes I always wonder why does God make creative people so good at what they do and then make them confused. I'm creative and confused it's weird honestly, like sometimes I try to combine my dad's skills (that I learnt and "inherited") with my mom's skills (I think some skills are inheritable-i don't know) and it honestly becomes an epic fail. There I am trying to be a good listener like my dad and a helper like my mom and at the same time trying to be this free jolly spirited person as always, I find myself stuck half of the time I don't listen to understand (like my dad, like his good at it he pays attention full on) I listen to respond because the jolly me wants to come out and play even when I'm trying to help someone in serious need the jolly me just wants to be creative even though the creativity is not needed. I still believe that one of the ways to have your purpose defined is by spending time with yourself, yes time with yourself it sounds crazy because most people find it creepy but that's the best way to learn about you (but wait I'm not saying shut the world out and be all alone No!) have days where you just bond and connect with yourself you'll be surprised at what you truly love and what you truly hate. Yet again there is nothing wrong with you sitting in God's presences and asking him what your purpose is he'll answer you for sure.
There is so much to reveal, define and talk about when it comes to purpose especially purpose as a young christian, so I don't want to end here only, l don't just want to write about my experience but also talk about it. I'll be doing a video on purpose for a young christian on Thursday I'll share it on my socials @abigailradebe (the video should be up first thing in the morning) so do look out for it and don't forget to invite your friends and family to also check it out.
Defining purpose one day at a time.
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