Wrapping Up 2020 (Part 2; Men Are Not Financial Funders For Women Who Have A Poverty Mindset)

...'if you love me send me money'...some of the words men get from women which somehow paints women as gold diggers and men as stingy humans. The problem has never been men struggling to give women money, it's never been that men don't want to come through for their partners financially it's just the struggle of failing to have proper conversations that align out exactly what they want in relationships. Our generation is very diverse, we say what we want when we want how we want and often fail to stand for what we said. Millennial females stood their ground and spoke out about how they will not stand for an emotionally broken man because they are not "rehabilitation centers" for broken men. They however forgot to mention that men also don't want to be financial funders for poverty minded women. Men also want to come through for a woman that is also making means to take care of herself, not a woman that waits for everything to be handed to h...